Dr. Henry Mentz has more than 270 publications and presentations. See below to learn more.

The Evolution of Facelifts: Navigating Youthful Transformation in the 2020s
Dr. Mentz was featured in a New Beauty article discussing the evolution of facelifts.
Read MoreSpecific Book Publications
*Author of three text book chapters on Facelifts:
- Book chapter “Multilayer Facelift” in Operative Plastic Surgery, A text book for plastic surgeons on facelift techniques, 2000
- Book chapter in the textbook, Advanced Surgical Facial Rejuvenation on refined facelift techniques, 2009
- Book chapter entitled “The Measured Facelift”, in Dissecting the Facelift in 2016
- Book chapter Seminars in Plastic Surgery, Lipogenesis and Lipoplasty Issue. April, 2002. Mentz H. “Changes in Diet, Exercise, Weight, and Lipids Following Liposuction”.
- Book Chapter Contributor for Peter Fodor’s Plastic Surgery in 3 D Body Contouring.
- Book section in Beyond Black “Plastic Surgery”, featuring 30 of the best plastic surgeons around the world.
- Selected for the Book, “Mastering Beauty” by Benton Buckley Books as one of ten plastic surgeons in the US with special expertise in beauty.
- Book Chapter, “Group Practice” in the textbook The Business of Plastic Surgery: Navigating a Successful Career, 2nd Edition, 2019, Husman, Patronella, Mentz, Newall.
Specific expertise
- Facelift and Facial Rejuvenation: Three book chapters on technique (2000, 2009, 2016); many presentations (TSPS 2007, 2016; Las Vegas Aesthetic, 2016, 2017; TSPS 2016; Baylor Grand Rounds 2000; FICS Convention, Mexico 1999); featured in two books as among the best plastic surgeons around the world; won “Best Facelift” twice at the Paris World Conference in 2013 and 2016
- Expert 3D Liposuction Course instructor in Contouring (ASAPS 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019; Las Vegas Aesthetic 2016, 2017)
- Expert Liposuction Safety Course instructor in Body Contouring Safety (ASAPS 2016, 2017, 2018, 2018, 2019; ISAPS 2016; Las Vegas Aesthetic 2016, TSPS 2001-2014; ASAPS 1993, ASAPS, New York 1993; Texas Plastic Surgery Quarterly, 2001)
- Inventor of abdominal and pectoral etching (ASPS, ASAPS, TSPS 1993-2008; ASAPS, TSPS 1995, 2003-2007; St. Joseph Grand Rounds, 1996; “Best Hot Topic ASAPS” in 2017)
- Reducing post-operative pain after abdominoplasty and breast surgery (ASAPS 2012; TSPS 2013; published the first plastic surgery publication on Exparel® in 2013)
- Developed and introduced the Brazilian buttock roller pump technique in 2007; APS 2011; ASAPS 2011; TSPS 2009, 2017
- Nanofat grafting tissue: Introduced “supernano fat grafts” (IFATS 2011; TSPS 2017; ASAPS 2019; published 2020)
- Large volume liposuction: Annual FICS Convention, Mexico 1999; publications 1993; presentations ASAPS 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017; Las Vegas Aesthetic 2016
- Long-term effects of liposuction: ISAPS 1996; St. Joseph 2004; Baylor 2001, 2006; book chapter 2002
- Fat grafting techniques: Houston Lipogenesis Conference 2001; above Brazilian Buttock and Facial Grafting LVA and TSPS 2017
- “Bra Strap Defects Correction Inventor”, Journal of Plastic Surgery (2007)
- Plastic Surgery Centers of Excellence, Building Private Surgicenters, Annual Tex Plastic Surg. Soc., San Antonio, 2002, The Future of Plastic Surgery HSPS, 2005, Scottsdale, AZ 2015
- Future of Plastic Surgery, Building Group Practices with Successful MediSpas. ASAPS, TSPS, Brazilian American conferences, 2018-2019
- Inventor of the BEST Neck Lift technique, presented first at the American Brazilian conference in Utah, 2021
- The inventor and first to perform live Super Etching, a technique developed for the creation of an athletic and tight-skinned abdomen. Presented first at the American Brazilian conference in Utah, 2021