Dr. Mentz invented both Ab Etch and Pec Etch and is considered a world authority on the specialized liposuction technique. Since its introduction, Abdominal Etching has garnered international acclaim as Dr. Mentz has presented the technique to plastic surgeons around the globe and teaches a popular course on the specialized 3-dimensional lipocontouring technique at the respected American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery annual meeting.

Surgical Technique

Prior to the surgical procedure, Dr. Mentz makes detailed markings of the patient’s flexed abdominal muscles. During the procedure, both the waist and abdomen are recontoured through a two-fold process: after thinning the abdominal fat pad, fat is selectively removed from the the underlying muscles to define their contours. In the first part of the operation, a thin, hollow tube called a cannula is used to thin the abdominal fat pad in order to unveil the underlying muscles. Then, following the markings he has made, Dr. Mentz outlines the rectus muscles and the linea alba, the line which runs down the center of the abdomen. Dr. Mentz uses a PAL technique for his Abdominal Etching patients.

Dr. Mentz - Abdominal Etching

Abdominal Etching With Dr. Mentz


Following your procedure, you will be fitted with a compression garment to reduce bruising and swelling. Most bruising and swelling diminishes within two weeks. Moreover, if you live within 20 miles of our facility, Dr. Mentz offers a home care visit to assist with your post-operative recovery. During this visit, a trained professional will change dressings, monitor your recovery, help with medication, and provide Dr. Mentz with an update on your progress. Most patients can return to work within 1 week after surgery and resume exercise in 3 weeks

Before & After

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7 Years Post-Op Ab Etching

7 Years Post-Op Ab Etching

Dr. Mentz’s patient is 7 years post-op from his gynecomastia and ab etching surgery. He’s incredibly happy with his results to this day. Check out the full video to hear about his entire experience.

Plan Your Procedure

  • Average Cost: $12,000 - $16,000
  • Recovery Time: 4-6 Weeks
  • Average Procedure Time: 1-2 Hours
  • Procedure Recovery Location: Outpatient

Multiple procedures will reduce the costs for anesthesia and facility time. Please be aware that the prices listed above are for an estimate of fees only and that you will need a consultation to confirm any pricing.

Price List

Ab Etching FAQs

With Pec Etch?

Because half of all Abdominal Etching patients also have softness and fullness in the breast region, Dr. Mentz frequently combines Abdominal Etching with a gynecomastia procedure to reduce breast size and Pectoral Etching to reveal pectoralis muscle definition in the chest. Abdominal Etching is similar to Pectoral Etching in that the underlying muscles of the abdomen are outlined to reveal the contours of the muscles that create the look of “washboard abs.”


Once the procedure is complete, adhesive foam tape is placed on the abdomen to reduce swelling and provide earlier definition of the etched areas. Most incisions are hidden in the natural body creases and leave very small scars. Abdominal Etching is a performed in 1-2 hours as an outpatient procedure.

Modified Ab Etch?

Dr. Mentz developed a modified Abdominal Etching method for men who have higher body fat levels above 20%. For body builders, the transverse inscriptions are also etched, as part of a full Abdominal Etching procedure. In the modified technique, the transverse inscriptions are not outlined.

Super Etch?

As an InMode "Luminary," Dr. Mentz has created a technique that combines the contouring of abdominal etching with the skin tightening power of InMode BodyTite radiofrequency. As an added benefit, additional highlighting is achieved using a special technique with radiofrequency pin energy that creates the most powerful results imaginable. Dr. Mentz introduced the technique at the American Aesthetic Society National Meeting and the Brazilian American Annual Meeting.

Best Ab Etch - Abdominal Etching. I had a great experience with Dr. Mentz and his office.


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