Because 50% of the breast is composed of fat, Dr. Mentz is sometimes able to reduce its size predominantly through liposuction alone. However, it is commonly necessary to remove excess glandular tissue as well. Dr. Mentz accomplishes this using an innovative “puncture removal” technique he developed in 2003. This technique allows him remove glandular material through a very small puncture, which leaves behind a scar that is generally undetectable.

7 Years Post-Op Ab Etching

7 Years Post-Op Gynecomastia

Dr. Mentz’s patient is 7 years post-op from his gynecomastia and ab etching surgery. He’s incredibly happy with his results to this day. Check out the full video to hear about his entire experience.

Surgical Technique

In a gynecomastia procedure, Dr. Mentz uses a small, specialized cannula to remove excess fat from the chest area through liposuction. Any excess glandular tissue that is present will be removed using the puncture incision technique. If Pectoral Etching is performed in conjunction with gynecomastia correction, fat is then removed from the edges of the pectoralis muscles and axilla in order to create more visible definition of the muscular contours. The procedure can be accomplished in approximately 1 hour as an outpatient procedure.


Following your procedure, you will be fitted with a compression garment to reduce bruising and swelling. Most bruising and swelling diminishes within two weeks. Moreover, if you live within 20 miles of our facility, Dr. Mentz offers a home care visit to assist with your post-operative recovery. During this visit, a trained professional will change dressings, monitor your recovery, help with medication, and provide Dr. Mentz with an update on your progress. Most patients can return to work in 3-4 days and resume exercise in 2-3 weeks or when Dr. Mentz advises.

Dr Mentz is an incredibly talented and gracious doctor! With Wonderful bedside manner!


Plan Your Procedure

  • Gynecomastia Cost: Ranges from $10,000 to $15,000
  • Recovery Time: 4-6 Weeks
  • Average Procedure Time: 1 Hour
  • Procedure Recovery Location: Outpatient


Pec Etching?

Many men choose to combine a gynecomastia procedure with Pectoral Etching, a liposuction technique Dr. Mentz developed to give the chest a more athletic appearance. In a Pectoral Etching procedure, Dr. Mentz uses a detailed liposuction technique to outline the pectoralis muscle and axilla in order to reveal the muscular contours of the male chest.

Lipo Methods?

Dr. Mentz’s innovative lipocontouring techniques have generated international acclaim for their success in helping men to obtain muscular definition that can be difficult or impossible to achieve through workouts alone. He has presented his techniques to plastic surgeons around the globe and teaches a popular course on his liposuction methods at the respected American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery annual meeting.

Fat Vs. Breast Tissue?

Male breast reduction is not meant to treat excess fat in the pectoral region from obesity. Men are encouraged to be at a healthy, stable weight before and after the gynecomastia treatment to ensure the results of their surgery have long-lasting results.

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