What is a Chin Augmentation?

Chin augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure used to enhance the shape and size of the chin. Most commonly, the procedure is performed using a chin implant. This implant is customized to meet the patient's unique needs and placed directly on the bone of the chin. Chin augmentation is frequently performed to correct undersized chins, improve the profile appearance, and create more balanced facial proportions.

As the nation’s first triple board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Henry Mentz is uniquely qualified to help patients achieve optimal results with their chin augmentation. He knows how to evaluate the patient's specific needs, customize their chin implant to precise specifications, and place it perfectly to create facial balance and natural-looking results.

Picture Of Young Women Posing In A Side Profile Position

Who is a good candidate for Chin Augmentation?

Good candidates for chin augmentation are unhappy with their weak chin structure, jawline, profile, and appearance. They wish to improve their proportions and enhance facial symmetry. Ideal candidates include patients who meet the following requirements:

  • Do not smoke
  • Are of sound body and mind
  • Are not currently dealing with any significant health issues, such as hypertension or a bleeding disorder, that would compromise their treatment or recovery
  • Have realistic goals for what chin augmentation can achieve
  • The face and skull have fully matured
  • Feel their small or recessed chin is having a negative impact on their face, neck, and/or profile
  • Who wants a more defined and sculpted chin to balance their other facial features

For those who want to achieve these results, Dr. Henry Mentz performs chin augmentations in Houston and is a triple board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in facial surgery.

Picture Of Young Women Posing In A Side Profile Position
Picture Of Young Women Posing In A Side Profile Position

What to Expect During Chin Augmentation Surgery

When you’re considering chin augmentation surgery, you can start the process by consulting with Dr. Mentz. This consultation will allow you to get more information about the procedure and ask any questions you might have. Dr. Mentz will ask you about your specific aesthetic goals for the treatment. He’ll also ask you about your medical history, current health, and any medications you’re taking. The doctor will review your treatment options with you and devise a personalized treatment plan based on your unique needs if you decide to proceed.

Chin augmentation surgery is generally performed as an outpatient procedure. Usually, the procedure is performed using local anesthesia with IV sedation, but general anesthesia may be used in some cases—especially if chin augmentation is combined with other surgeries. After administering anesthesia, Dr. Mentz will make the necessary incision, insert your customized implant, and place it in the proper position. He will then close the incision and bandage the treatment area to complete the procedure. Typically, chin augmentation takes around 45 minutes to an hour, and you should be able to return home within an hour or two of the surgery.

Henry A. Mentz

Chin Augmentation Surgery Technique

When performing a chin augmentation procedure, Dr. Mentz uses either a chin implant or fat grafting, depending on the needs and preferences of the patient. When using a chin implant, the doctor begins by making a tiny incision either beneath the chin or on the inside of the mouth. Then, he carefully inserts the customized chin implant through the incision. This implant will have been precisely designed based on the patient’s unique treatment plan. Dr. Mentz will then ensure that the implant is positioned correctly before closing the incision and applying bandages to the area.

When using the fat grafting chin augmentation technique, Dr. Mentz starts by harvesting excess fat from a separate area of the patient’s body. This fat is then cleaned and purified before being carefully injected into the chin to add natural-looking volume.

What is the Recovery Like After a Chin Augmentation?

After your chin augmentation in Houston, expect mild to moderate bruising and discomfort for 1 to 2 days. You will follow a liquid-only diet during this time. Dr. Mentz will give you specific instructions based on your surgery, but you may need to take antibiotics, have drains, or wear a compression bandage. Most patients require 1 to 2 weeks before returning to normal activities and sedentary work. Wait for 6 to 8 weeks before exercise or strenuous activity.

How Much Does Chin Augmentation Cost?

The cost of chin augmentation ranges from $12,500-15,000, which includes anesthesia, facility fees, and all associated costs.

Before & After Chin Augmentation in Houston

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Young Women With A Sculpted Chin Smiling

Benefits of Chin Augmentation:

  • Define the chin for better face, neck, and profile balance
  • Improve depressions around the chin
  • Create a counterbalance for the nose
  • Correct facial asymmetry
  • Strengthen the jawline
  • Be customized for your face, as Implants come in various shapes and sizes
  • Achieve a very long-lasting outcome and natural-looking results
Young Women With A Sculpted Chin Smiling
Young Women With A Sculpted Chin Smiling

I had rhinoplasty and chin implant done by Dr. Mentz. He is the best in the business, and a very caring doctor. 


Henry A. Mentz

Chin Augmentation FAQs

Does a chin augmentation fix a double chin?

Yes, in many cases, chin augmentation surgery can be effective for correcting a double chin. The use of a chin implant adds definition and projection to the chin, which can greatly improve the appearance of a double chin.

Will sensation return to the chin?

Your chin may feel numb for up to three months after your chin augmentation procedure, but eventually, sensation should return to the area.

Does the surgery leave visible scars?

During chin augmentation surgery, Dr. Mentz is careful to make the incisions in areas where they will be as inconspicuous as possible. Plus, any visible scarring from the procedure will gradually fade in the months following the surgery. In the long run, there should be very little visible scarring.

What about genioplasty?

Like chin augmentation, genioplasty is a surgical procedure used to improve the appearance of the chin. However, instead of using a chin implant, genioplasty involves reshaping the existing bone of the chin to improve its shape, symmetry, and definition.

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